Monday, August 27, 2007

Why is there only one?!

Today I was driving to a doctor's appointment, and as I was coming upto a light, I saw a sandal in the middle of the road. I looked around and didn't see it's counter part. I started thinking and VERY rarely do I see something on the road (that is originally bought in pairs) with it's other half... be it a hooker, shoes, ect.

I just thought it was odd. How does one loose shoes in the middle of the road anyways?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The first of many...

I'm not new to the "blog thang baaaaaaby" I have just taken a little sabbatical. So, thanks to the inspiration of my long time wannabe lover MyKelle... I'm back biatches! So, stay tuned for the twisted world and mind of Nick Hilton.