Monday, May 19, 2008

Cutting out the fat...

Well, I've been kinda in a slump with my weight loss. As most of you know, I have had a Lap-Band surgery, it has been wonderful and I have lost about 100lbs with it. It's a great way to help control portion sizes and not to feel hungry all the time.

Lately, I have been stressed... so as a creature of habit, I turned to my fail-safe... Food. I have been eating things that are horrible for me, and not only that, I've been over eating a lot too. Well, needless to say, I was hurting myself physically and mentally. Not only have I gained a little weight back on, I have been stretching out my stomach.

About 2 weeks ago I decided enough was enough, and I started looking for ways that I would be held accountable for what I put in my mouth and how much. I ended up joining Weight Watchers for the 2nd or 3rd time in my life.

This time seems like it's a lot easier to follow. I don't feel hungry after I eat what's alloted, and usually I have a lot of points left over that I could eat at the end of the day. It makes me eat a lot more fruit and vegetables and be very conscious of portion sizes and caloric/fat contents.

We will see how much this helps me, and if it can help me lose the last 60-70lbs that I feel needs to go bye bye. Keep your fingers crossed and junk food out of my way! Trudging on to the future I go!

1 comment:

heidi said...

way to go nick, i'm sure it's been a hard road.

i'm guessing Travis has mentioned, although maybe not, that our sister Danette (along with many in our family) is on weight watchers and is doing so so well, so far she's lost over 60 lbs.

check her weight watchers blog here

she has it blocked, so you can only get in with the password so i'll email it to you, she said it was fine. but the reason why you may want to check it out is because she has some great food tips.

good luck, i'll be rootin' for you