Friday, July 11, 2008

I can feel the wind in my hair already... almost

Well, I have decided to finally start the process of working towards my Pilot's license. I bought the manuals and have started slowly reading through them. I am going up soon with a friend to see if it is something I really want to be addicted to. I'm sure it is, but it's an excuse to go flying, so I'm all up for it.

My plan is to study through the summer so I can take the written test by the end of the summer. That way, the weather isn't that hot while I'm doing my hours of flying... seeing as alot of the planes don't have A/C. I can't wait to get up there and see things from a totally new perspective!

I am a sucker for anything that I can go fast in, and for adrenaline rushes. That is why I race cars, I love the feeling of progression and accomplishment. When I race cars I can feel the progression of my driving skills and I feel good that I am constantly improving my quality of driving. With flying, I will be able to do the same thing, but on a whole other level.

Hopefully I can stick to the plan and have the license soon! :-)


Brian said...

Should I just call you Captain Hilton now?

Ashley said...

Hi nick!!!