Saturday, September 8, 2007

Getting on the horse again... metaphorically

So, lately I have had the uncontrollable itch to start doing Photography again... actively. I just bought 2 film cameras off of Ebay, and I'm stoked to get them! They are both Canon EOS A2 35mm film cameras. They are a professional camera (though not the top of the line). I still have my digital Canon camera, and will still be using that, but it is still limited to the size I can enlarge pictures to. Film is more versitile that way.

I have a website that is "kinda" up for my photography, it has a couple of my pictures but is definitely going to be revamped. If you feel inclined to look at it, it is

I'm super excited!

1 comment:

P. Deanna Adams said...

So what I'd like to know is, why aren't there any pictures in your blog.
You're so into photography, but I don't see any of your handy work.
Let's get some pictures up!! :)