Saturday, September 8, 2007

New Church Calling

Well the other night (during Travis' birthday dinner) I received a call from a member of the stake presidency asking me if I could meet with President Gaisford the next day at 9pm. I accepted but was SO nervous. I thought I was in trouble, or was going to be asked to speak in Stake Conference, or get a big calling.

Yeah, it was the last thought. Travis was joking with me saying that it would be Elders Quorum President. I was fighting that thought tooth and nail, I was in the presidency before, and didn't think they would call me to that. Well... I was wrong, VERY wrong. I blame Travis for my new calling!

I am excited, but very nervous too. I am greatful for the opportunity to serve in this capacity, and that I don't have to teach Gospel Doctrine anymore... haha. I just hope and pray that I will be able to do all of the responsibilities of this calling well.

Well, I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

heidi said...

hey congrats on your new calling you'll do great.... i hope! jk