Sunday, December 30, 2007

2008 Goals

So, I guess I need to come up with some goals for 2008... I'm not going to lie, they are going to be realistic again. Might be boring to those who have all these grandios plans for bettering themselves, but I'm pretty much rockin' so, I guess I don't need too many goals to magnify my awesomeness.

Here are the Goals for 2008:

1. Get to my goal weight... (I know this was from last year, but I lost more than half of what I needed to, now just to finish her off!)

2. Continue to read stuff for my betterment and learning. (Scriptures, books, manuals)

3. Print pictures I have and put them around my house. I have nothing on my walls, except in my theater.

4. Get all my "traffic troubles" (as I call them) taken care of and STAY out of trouble!

5. Have all of my cars functioning by the end of the year! Yes, all four of them... I know, I know, that's a tall task... but that's what needs to happen.

6. Continue the special tradition of Buddy Clause.

7. Continue to learn about my business and get licensed in Utah and get my realtor's license.

8. Get my Photography Business up and running.

9. Be a better example of a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

10. Learn to better control my thoughts and actions.

11. Go to the temple at least once a month.

12. Be a better friend to those I love (including my family)

13. Not buy another car until I sell one I have already (this one will be tough... I'm guessing the Blazer is going bye bye to make room for a more gas efficient car)

14. Write Beau on a regular basis while he is on his mission.

15. Become someone that I would be happy being friends with (as weird as this sounds... I have been very fickle lately on a lot of things in my life. I hate it when people are fickle, and I HATE being like that and realizing that. I am going to do my best to be true to what I say I am going to do)

16. Get my personal Pilot's license (yeah, kinda out in left field on this one... I've been thinking about this for the last couple of years, but never done anything about it. I need to go to the Glendale Airport and pick up one of the study manuals so I can actually study. But there are a lot of pilots in my parent's home ward, and one said he would help me.)

I know these seem like normal goals, but this year, instead of making a list and forgetting about it I am going to be actively looking at it and working on them. I am making a list of these for myself and I am going to add a game plan so I can obtain each of them. Then, when I get a little foggy minded about why I have a goal, or how to reach it, I can have something to remind and motivate me.


heidi said...

i like this years goal they are good ones. way to go, you even got me thinking maybe (only maybe) i'll set some new years goals, never been one to do that

Kayti said...

I think these are good goals! They are realistic so you won't set yourself up for disappointment and a lot of them are things we all need to work:) Good Luck!