Saturday, December 29, 2007

New Year Resolutions... What a load of CRAP! (year numero dos)

Below is my "resolutions" list for last year. I'm going to go through and answer what the outcome of each line was below the quote
Well, with the New Year comes new resolutions... what a load of crap! If you ask me resolutions are a waste of time. Most people shoot for the moon only to hit a murky puddle of water and poop. So this year, instead of making all these outrageous goals, I will make goals that are actually able to be met. I will go about listing some of them below:

1. I'm going to be a jerk to pull girls

2. I'm not going to put up with petty drama from anyone (I'm not in High School anymore)

3. If anyone asks me if I'm related to Paris Hilton, I'm going to tell them to get a life.

4. If someone offers to buy my cars for lowball amounts, I will laugh and then kick them in the balls.

5. No more being taken advantage of! I'm tired of people expecting me to offer my house as a default hangout place. (I built the theater for me, not you)

6. I'm going to be painfully honest when asked any question that searches for a nice answer. I don't need to hide my real thoughts so you can have a false sense of comfort about what you did.

7. I'm going to race more.

8. I'm going to save money.

9. I'm going to start a COUPLE new ventures (aka businesses)

10. I'm going to be visiting Europe in the summer.

11. I'm going to learn how to weld good.

12. Go to school.

13. Reach my weight goal.

14. Take more pictures of things I like.

15. Read more (scriptures, books, whatever)

Fifteen is a good amount of reachable goals for now... It's something to work on anyways. I might be viewed as a dick right now, however... you live my life and you would be the same way.

Here are the outcomes:

1. Tried, turns out girls don't like nice guys or jerks... I guess girls just don't like boys in general.

2. Yeah, this one I haven't done great at, but I haven't failed at either... it comes and goes in waves. Depends on my mood and what people are being dumb about.

3. I didn't do this at all, I forgot about it to be honest. But a good one to keep for next year maybe.

4. I laughed at quite a few people... but they were all over the phone, so no ball kickage preceded the laughing.

5. Well, for the most part, this one was done pretty well. I now have control of who comes over and who doesn't for the most part.

6. If I am asked a question that I need to be honest about, I say it how it is whether or not people like the answer.

7. This one I failed miserably at. No explanation for it, just didn't happen.

8. I did pretty good for a while, but as with commission jobs, pay checks aren't guaranteed. So it came and went.

9. I started two LLCs this year, so... I guess I did it.

10. Did it, it was superb!

11. I didn't even try... I wanted to take a class, but no time to do it.

12. Started then dropped out. I couldn't get in to it... I also wasn't able to learn as fast as University of Phoenix wanted to teach.

13. Almost, dropped 100 lbs, but still have about 60 more to lose.

14. I have started to do this by buying new cameras to take the pictures with, but other than my Europe trip, no I didn't do it.

15. I have been doing my best... other than scriptures, I have read 6 books I believe, and am in the middle of another one.

Now that that is out of the way, I will start a new blog with this year's goals.

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