Monday, December 31, 2007

Depression... a dangerous addiction.

I know most people don't think of depression as a "Addiction", but in my mind it is very much so! There are a LOT of people who suffer from chronic depression, it is dangerous, and it hurts not only yourself, but those around you too. It is something that only you can over come. We need to remember that we are in control of our minds, and though prescribed medication might help us deal with it, it will only help temporarily, once the drugs run out, we are back into the eternal pit of gloom and despair.

I know how it is, I am one of the people that is constantly on this roller coaster of life, and that is EXACTLY what it is! There are going to be times that you feel good about yourself and the situations surrounding you, then there are going to be times that you feel overloaded or your heart gets broken or for no reason that you can see you are JUST NOT HAPPY. I constantly go in and out of depression, it is something that I am learning to deal with. I don't like the person I become when I am depressed, I don't treat my friends or family like I should, I over eat (and that is VERY bad for me to do... having had the Lap-Band surgery), I eat bad, I become reclusive and very moody. I have a hard time controlling my emotions and am very quick to make decisions that I would regret.

The biggest piece of getting over depression is recognizing when you start to become depressed. Once you recognize it you can find ways to help yourself out of it. Of course, with recognition... the sooner the better.

Another big piece of coming out of depression is having a support group. Talk to your family and friends, tell them your situation, and your tale tale signs of depression, and ask them to try to get your mind off of things when they see these signs start to come around.

Always remember, that most of depression stems from other people's actions. You CAN NOT control what other people decide to do. You need to remember that a lot of the actions of others are not well thought out and probably weren't meant to hurt you. If there is someone that does things TO hurt you, then run the opposite direction! No one deserves to be treated like that. And if you keep conversing with them, it will end in your constant depression and lack of self esteem. You need to look out for your health (mental and physical) and do what you need to stay healthy.

Also remember, that you are never alone... There are always people that love you and want to see you happy and continually progressing in life. If it's not friends, then it's family, if it's neither of those, then it's our Heavenly Father. God wants all of his children to live in happiness and to eventually return to live with him. In the scriptures it says that "No unclean thing can dwell in the presence of God." If you are depressed, usually you are thinking negatively, and negativity is a very unclean thing. God is an optimist, he is optimistic that all of his children are going to return home, and if your mind is polluted with negativity you are not going to be clean enough to dwell with God.**

** This is totally my opinion and not doctrine, but I STRONGLY believe that negativity is NOT tolerated in the presence of God.

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