Monday, January 14, 2008

Well, it was ok...

Yeah, I know, I blogged about how I hate birthdays and yadda yadda yadda... But my birthday was pretty dang good. Yes, I had to wake up at 6:15am to go to my parent's house to open presents before my dad had to go to a church meeting, and yeah I had to speak in church. But all in all I enjoyed myself. I have amazing friends and family, they keep me thinking positively and make me feel good about myself.

My talk went well I think... I do kinda feel bad that I made Sacrament go 25 minutes long, but honestly I didn't think some of my presidency (that spoke with me) were going to be able to last more than 5 minutes. They did a good job with their talks, and as I was getting up there with 5 minutes left in the meeting I was told by Brother Beazer (one of the Branch Presidency) to take as long as I needed. Apparently I needed 30 minutes, so we got out 25 minutes late. I didn't feel too bad though, because I was speaking on a very important topic (Personal Worthiness). It was important not to paraphrase or edit my talk to be shorter.

I'm glad I was able to have a good birthday.


Anonymous said...

happy bday, you get to give a talk! haha. i had to give a talk too yesterday, twinners.

MyKelle J said...

Your talk was so good... It kept me at church a half hour longer then I planned to be there. I didn't even notice how bad I falt till you were done